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Monday, July 22, 2019

Rack'em Up! DIY 19-inch (ish) Racks for T&E Equipment

      Necessity is the mother of invention....   A somewhat similar parallel to this might be "tight spaces are the mother of... cheap alternatives" ?!   Ok, so we all have this "situation" where equipment we buy starts flooding our workspace until you literally are stubbing you toes against them even getting up from your chair.   Same thing happened me (the flooding part, not the toe stubbing part) so having...

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Counterfeit 3045 low noise LDOs from eBay

        Sometimes lazyness gets the better of me and I tend to look for an easy way out or an easy fix to stuff. Buying ready-made boards from eBay is one such way, but in this case, it ended biting me in the ass.    I have a project where I want to have some voltage references and other sensitive experiments into an enclosure and also have a really low noise  LDO to power them, in the same enclosure as the...

Monday, April 1, 2019

Toshiba Ultrasound Machine Part 2: Ultrasound Probe Teardown

      You might have seen Part 1 of my Toshiba Ultrasound machine  post, where I did a teardown of a Sonolayer SAL-32B  and also explained the basic physics that goes into turning sound into images.     One thing I couldn't really do was to also take apart the probe. That's because it would have been a destructive teardown and I still wanted to play around with the thing.   But now, the teardown gods...

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Keithley 7013-C relay card headless operation

    This will be just a quick post of one things I've been woring on. I have a lot of stuff on the back-burner and about 4 or 5 really interesting blog posts that await to be written up. unfortunately there's a lot of work that has to go into the experiments for those, so bare with me.    Now that I've made my excuses, here's what I came up with, for using a Keithley 7013-C relay card as standalone.    It's...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Edwards E2M12 Vacuum Pump Teardown and Overhaul

   High vacuum is one of those things that really suck.... Sorry, couldn'd help it.    Parts are expensive, finnicky and not always readily available to anyone.     I recently bought an Edwards E2M12 vacuum pump for a project of mine. When I got it, it came without any oil and without any idea of the state it was in. But for the money I paid, I couldn't just pass it.    So, I now have a vacuum...

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